rtWork: COVID-19 Module
The COVID-19 prevention module under the rtWork app will help businesses proactively manage the risk of infection among employees and customers through medical reporting and surveying daily habits that could increase or reduce the risk of infection, classify the risks, and identify areas with high risk.
Business users of RTA’s COVID-19 prevention module will have access to two forms:
- A medical declaration form, which is modeled after the Vietnamese government’s own form
- A daily habits survey
The daily habits survey contains questions related to everyday habits that could also be risks for COVID-19 infections, such as:
- Going to crowded places
- Sharing foods and dipping sauces
- Eating raw food
- Sharing toiletries and towels
- Frequency of hand-washing
- Use of soap (or lack thereof) when washing hands
Organizations and businesses with a large number of employees and regularly interact with customers are encouraged to take measures to manage and reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection.
RTA is providing this module FREE for use for businesses and organizations.
The first step in controlling the disease is to ensure that all employees and customers are keeping themselves healthy. Let’s work together to keep Vietnam safe!
The rtWork COVID19 module includes:
1. QR code and short link that lead to the medical declaration form:
When customers and employees scan the QR code or click on the link, it will open the COVID-19 medical information declaration form on the browser without needing to install the app.
- QR Code: (Contact RTA to have a QR code created)
- Short link: https://rtlink.me/covid19-file-fbldt
Using rtWork COVID19:
- The company will print out and tape the QR code in places where they need to collect information on COVID-19 from customers
- Customers can provide information through the webform
- Customer will receive a confirmation email after submitting the completed webform
- The company will receive the information immediately through the rtWork app (iOS/Android compatible) chatbot and notifications.
2. rtWork App for Companies to Manage Information
With the rtWork app, companies will sign up for an account to manage their employees.
The COVID-19 module enables employees to access the main function:
- Fill out the COVID-19 medical declaration form
- Fill out the daily habits survey to see if the employee’s habits could increase or reduce the risk of infection so they can be proactive in preventing infection
The rtWork app enables managers to access 2 main modules:
COVID-19 MANAGER & COVID-19 STAFF. Details for each modules are as follows:
- View list of people who are not at risk of COVID-19 based on their completed forms
- View list of people who are at slight risk of COVID-19
- View list of people who are at a higher risk of COVID-19
- View map of form submission locations
- The COVID-19 medical declaration form has a tool to verify the phone number as the person is completing the form
- Map of form submission location
- View timeline & history of form submissions
- Keep track of and manage completed Covid-19 medical declaration forms.
- Access COVID-19 medical declaration form. The employee can submit the form multiple times if there is any change to their personal health status (Ex: Interacting with someone who has a high risk of infection or shows symptoms of COVID-19)
- Access the daily habits survey that can determine the risk of COVID-19 infection
You can try out the rtWork COVID-19 module for FREE by signing up for an account through: https://rtlink.me/rtwork-covid19-fbldt
If you need technical support, please send your request through: https://rtlink.me/customer-service-rta
We hope you will be proactive in controlling the spread of the virus in these challenging times.
If you would like more information or support, please contact:
- Mr. Trung Le, PhD, CEO
- Email: trungle@rta.vn
- Phone: 0866224858, ext: 5001